Ryan Singel

Ryan Singel


Ryan started writing for Wired.com in 2002, after spending three years working for search startups in the DotCom boom. An online journalist from the start, he's always been on the digital side of barricades in the media revolution. His beats for Wired.com have included privacy, security, search, social networking, tech policy and startups. He also co-founded the award winning Threat Level blog.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1.415.312.4870


Ben Autrey


Ben Autrey has been building graph-based ranking, recommendation and inference systems on large social datasets since 2008. At InboxQ (YC W '10) he designed a system for identifying high-quality questions on Twitter and automatically matching them to knowledgeable experts. At Dynamic Signal he designed systems for automatically discovering and ranking users and content in narrowly-defined areas of interest. Ben studied math, statistics and economics at UC Berkeley.

Email: [email protected]